
Join AMAC Action’s efforts to end Communist China’s Monopoly on Prescription Drugs right now with a generous donation of $35 or more.  

AMAC Action is committed to preserve the values that have made America the greatest nation.

We need to come together now, more than ever which is why I hope you will commit to a donation of $35 or more right now.

These funds play a critical role in our work to demand action from Congress.

If we don’t act fast, Communist China can hold us hostage whenever they like. Which is exactly why I’m asking for your help today.

Your donation will provide the necessary resources we need for a nationwide petition campaign. This includes printing, distributing, collecting, delivering the petitions to our elected leaders.  

During this time the strength of our online community is essential to driving legislative success.

So, if you have the ability today, I ask you to join AMAC Action with a gift of $35 or more.

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